Treatment – Get help with your hearing

There is a range of options available for you, once you realise you may have hearing loss. Whether or not you need hearing aids depends on your hearing level and your needs. The best way to get started on your treatment is to let a hearing care professional help you. A consultation doesn’t take long, and it’s the best way to begin your journey towards better hearing.

Untreated hearing loss can hurt your brain

If you choose not to treat hearing loss, you might increase your risk of accelerated cognitive decline. This is because your brain and ears work together. The ears funnel sound into the hearing system and your brain processes the sound into meaning.

With hearing loss, you need to use more mental effort all of the time, just to understand what people are saying. Consequently, people with hearing loss can become more tired and find social situations too demanding. It can often lead a person to withdraw, and their brain begins to lack stimulation – which can lead to mental decline .

This is why Oticon developed BrainHearing™ technology. Our unique approach to hearing aids starts with the brain and supports the way the brain naturally makes sense of sound.

Discover how BrainHearing™ technology helps

Test your hearing

To identify your hearing level and needs, you need to complete a hearing test. The test will determine the degree and type of any hearing loss, and is completely pain free. Hearing tests are completed at your local hearing centre, where you’ll go through the results with your hearing care professional to decide if you need to take further action.

Find your nearest hearing centre

What is a hearing care professional?

A hearing care professional is someone who specialises in identifying, diagnosing, treating and monitoring hearing disorders. Their main goal is to ensure your hearing is the best it can be, and to minimise how much any hearing loss you may have interferes in your life.

If you need hearing aids, the hearing care professional will help you select the right ones. They will consider your lifestyle, design preferences, and budget. Based on both your hearing test and your needs, they will be able to offer a variety of solutions. Hearing aids can help most types of hearing loss.

What will happen at your first appointment?

How do you treat hearing loss?

Hearing loss has different causes, including temporary ones such as earwax and infections. The first step is to consult a hearing care professional who can investigate the cause of any hearing difficulties. 

Most types of hearing loss and tinnitus can be treated using hearing aids that sit behind the ear or inside the ear canal. Treatments for more extreme types of hearing loss may use surgical procedures such as cochlear implants.

Understand the treatment process for hearing loss

Find the right fit

Today’s hearing aids are very discreet and can be invisible to other people. In cooperation with your hearing care professional, you can find a hearing aid that’s tailored to your life and your budget.

See different hearing aids and find your favourite

Eligibility for governmental support

Check if you meet the criteria